My plan for the shoot is to cover my kitchen table with CDs so that the reflective sides are facing up, and I want to take a variety of shots at different angles to capture and represent different patterns. CDs make up a huge part of a musician's life as it is how they directly connect with the people who like their music. Musicians realistically need musical instruments also to help them create and produce a CD.
What I hope to achieve:
By turning some of the more colourful CDs the other way up, I hope to capture a series of different patterns which will also show and represent a variety of colours too. Hopefully, through some macro shots, I hope to also show the depth as I will have multiple CDs lined up, plus further away shots should hopefully show a nice repeated pattern.
What I actually achieved:
Honestly, the shoot was a lot harder than I anticipated as in a lot of the images you can see the roof of my conservatory plus the walls caught in the reflection from the CDs. However, after some editing, I feel that some of the images act as a good representation of both pattern and colour, plus reflection too in some of the photos.
Here are a few of my favourites from the shoot:
What I am going to do next:
I have one final shoot to conduct before the completion of my Unit 2. With this shoot I hope to recreate the iconic Apple adverts in the studio using a variety of different models acting out various performances.