Over the last year during my AS time in Photography, I feel that I have really enjoyed the process, as well as learnt new skills, and I am thoroughly looking forward to the A2, especially Unit 3 where I will write my own project proposal.
Personally, I think I enjoyed Unit 1 compared with Unit 2 more as I didn't enjoy being restricted to just the one specific topic. Partly, this was my fault as I felt half way through Unit 2 that I had chosen myself a rather specific and difficult topic - Musical Instruments and Musicians - whereas now, looking back, I would have rather chosen either Contrasts or Multiple Imagery. However, although I know that I will be restricted to my chosen brief for Unit 3, I am going to take more care into choosing a better topic for myself to ensure that I work harder and more creatively throughout the entire six months of the unit.
Although at first I felt like the techniques were learnt about during the formal elements topic was rather repetitive and less interesting, I feel like I have now learnt to take all of these new skills into account whenever I am shooting anything - whether it be part of my coursework or just casual, personal projects at home. I also feel that during this year I have learnt to manage my time a lot better, as often at times I may have struggled with the work load associated with the contextual side of the course, but I definitely improved this by getting myself much more organised and spending more time outside of college hours on the contextual work, leaving lessons for mostly physical work. I also feel that progressing through my portfolios from start to finish, my creativity, imagination and technical skill has improved since when I first started in September, as you can see physically how much better my work looks, which has effectively prepared me for the types of shoots I would like to conduct during the second year. My Photoshop skills have also improved greatly, as I now have a much clearer understanding of the software, and I feel like I can use it much more effectively in the improvements of my work.
Overall, as I feel that I simply have a strong passion for the subject, however hard it has been or how hard it will get, I have and will work to the best of my ability and will continue to show interest and improvements within my work, despite the fact that at times we will have a lot of work to do ourselves based on research and planning. I have really enjoyed my time in photography and I cannot wait to start my personal project over the summer.